Friday, March 6, 2009

Too Good To Be True?!

Mike(DH), met with someone from the Chamber of Commerce today to discuss buying health insurance for us. He was getting quite anxious about making sure we had coverage incase something was to happen to Miss T. Before he even had a chance to ask he was told over the phone that the policy would not cover eye glasses or infertility meds. That was fine with us as the original intenet was to just make sure dental and most other prescription drugs were covered. So he made an appointment to meet with him today and get the proper papers we needed to apply and learn more about the plan. To our utter and extremely greatful surprise, we found out that Fertility Meds were covered, up to $4000.00 max for life! That is enough to cover atleast 1 more cycle of IVF for us and possibly half of a second, depending on how much meds they want me on! So I guess the obvious question is "Is this too good to be true?". I guess we will see soon enough... Fingers crossed that this is legit!

1 comment:

  1. Great news! Lets hope it's too legit -- too legit to quit! LOL Sorry -- couldn't help myself :)
