Sunday, March 8, 2009

Trying to get the ball rolling...

I found out not too long ago that I can just bypass my RE in Kingston. All I have to do is get my regular doctor to fax a referral form to Ottawa and presto! This is a huge relief cause the secretary for my RE in Kingston is a nightmare!!! If you'll recall I asked her to send in a referral for me AUGUST 15, 2007!!! What do you know I have not heard from them, lol!! So I am just not interested in even talking to her again! I swear nothing polite would be said in that conversation, lol!!

Taylor has an appointment on Tuesday so I am going to try to get them to hook me up then and if they can't I will make an appointment so they can.

Mike has an appointment with the health insurance guy tomorrow night so hopefully that will start right away as well. I saw something that said you have to wait 3 months for it to take effect though so we will see. Of course, 3 months from now would be the perfect time since that is when our mortgage is up for renewal and that's when we would get the $ to do it. Hopefully everything comes together and I won't have to wait a year to do IVF like I had to the first time, lol!!

1 comment:

  1. This would be good! BTW I totally LOVED your last post! You make me laugh -- although I know you would really like to say those things to stupid people and their ass-vice!
